Free Trade Agreements of Mexico (Countries with agreements)

If you want to learn what are free trade agreements of Mexico, as well as which countries are involved in these agreements. In this article you will learn everything about them, so we invite you to continue reading.


Free Trade Agreements of Mexico

Free trade agreements are an international right to form a free zone between states that come to cooperate. In this kind of Mexico free trade agreementsThere are two different types of trade agreements: bilateral and multilateral.

Bilateral agreements are established when two countries relax trade limitations to obtain greater business opportunities between both places. In contrast, multilateral agreements are agreements between two or more countries and these are the most difficult to negotiate.

Currently, Mexico actively participates in multilateral and regional organizations and forums, such as the following:

The first free trade agreement that was signed in history was in 1891 and this was the Cobden-Chevalier Treaty that was generated between Great Britain and France. Since then, many free trade agreements have emerged, especially within the framework of the integration of countries whose regions historically tend to help each other.

What are the free trade agreements that Mexico has?

There are currently 13 Mexico free trade agreements with 46 countries, as well as 33 agreements for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investments and 9 trade agreements that are economic complementation and partial scope agreements within the framework of the Latin American Integration Association. Among these treaties we can mention the following:


Objectives of the treaties

Within the objectives of the different Mexico free trade agreements, we have the following:

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

This is replaced by the T-Mec, which was a treaty signed between Mexico, the United States and Canada since January 1, 1994. Which have the following objectives:

General Purpose

It consists of coming to form a free trade zone, where clear and permanent rules are established for commercial exchange. That it will allow an increase in the flow of trade and investment, as well as new job opportunities and improvement in the living standards of the citizens of the countries involved.

Specific objective

Free Trade Agreement between the United States and the Republic of Costa Rica

This was an agreement signed between Mexico and the Republic of Costa Rica, which entered into force on January 1, 1995. It has the following objectives:

General Purpose

It is to create a free trade area promoting the process of regional and continental integration. among the participating countries.

Specific objective

Free Trade Agreement between the United Mexican States and the Republic of Bolivia

This is an agreement that was signed by Mexico and Bolivia and that entered into force on January 1, 1995. It is of economic complementation for the purposes of ALADI as of June 7, 2010. And among the objectives of this treaty we can mention the following:

General Purpose

Establish a free trade area with detailed and transparent rules for the benefit of both nations in terms of trade and investment.

Specific objectives

Free Trade Agreement between the United Mexican States and the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua

This treaty was signed between Mexico and Nicaragua, which entered into force on July 1, 1998. Within the objectives of this treaty we can mention the following:

General Purpose

Establish a free trade zone for the circulation of goods and services. between the two countries involved.

Specific objectives

If you want to know the main rules of foreign trade in Mexico, we will leave you the following link with a lot of information on this topic What are the general rules of foreign trade?


Free Trade Agreement between the United Mexican States and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay

Between the Mexico free trade agreements, this became effective on July 15, 2004. Among the objectives of this treaty are the following:

Specific objectives

Free Trade Agreement between Mexico and the Northern Triangle

This is a treaty that was signed between Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, which entered into force on March 15, 2004. In addition, it has the following objectives that we will mention:

General Purpose

Get to establish a free trade zone that allows them to have advances in these specific regions.

Specific objectives

Free Trade Agreement Mexico and the European Union

This treaty entered into force on July 1, 2000. It has the following objectives that we will mention:

General Purpose

It is to create a commercial space within a context of multinational integration through the establishment of a free trade zone for the opening of development opportunities.

Specific goal

Free Trade Agreement between Mexico and Israel

Between the Mexico free trade agreements, we have this one that has the following objectives that are mentioned:

General Purpose

Establish a free space to increase trade and the economy through the release of taxes and restrictions on imports originating in the countries within the treaty.

Specific objectives

Free Trade Agreement between the United Mexican States and the States of the European Free Trade Association

The European Free Trade Association is made up of the following:

This treaty entered into force on July 1, 2000, which has the following objectives:

General objectives
Specific objectives

Agreement for the strengthening of the Economic Association between the United Mexican States and Japan

Among the objectives of this agreement we have the following:

Specific objectives

Advantages and disadvantages of Free Trade Agreements

Among the advantages and disadvantages of the application of free trade agreements, we can mention:

Advantages of Free Trade

Disadvantages of Free Trade

Characteristics of internal and external Free Trade

Within the characteristics of internal and external free trade we can mention the following:

Free foreign trade

Foreign free trade is where countries come to exchange goods and services freely, taking advantage of their advantages. For this to happen, countries sign these treaties, which generally implies a reduction in tariffs and any other barriers that exist. And among the features it has we have the following:

Free internal trade

When we talk about internal free trade, we are talking about free trade within the borders of a country. Where we say that within the country there is a market economy where complete freedom is encouraged in terms of competition between companies according to the preferences of each of the consumers who visit them. And among the characteristics that it possesses are the following:

Importance of the Free Trade Agreement

Free trade agreements are an important part of global economic initiatives, which seek to gradually advance in regional integration or even in the world market. Seeking to oppose protectionism to prevent borders between countries from being impediments to the flow of products, capital and services between various countries.

In the following video you will be able to see an explanation about the free trade agreement and a lot of interesting information. So we suggest you watch it in full. Remember to share all this information with your friends and family, in this way they will keep abreast of everything.

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