children in a refugee camp holding a UK aid bottle of water." width="1600" height="1067" />
children in a refugee camp holding a UK aid bottle of water." width="1600" height="1067" />
Many nonprofit organizations work closely with government at the federal, state and local level in the United States. International nonprofits may work closely with their own federal governments, the governments where they work or international agencies like the United Nations or International Monetary Fund. Alternatively, organizations may work in conflict with government(s) through their advocacy efforts. This chapter covers the different ways nonprofit organizations interact with government and government agencies, from close partners to adversaries.
Relationships between nonprofit organizations and governments take many forms in both theory and practice. These relationships may include:
As discussed in Chapter 2, the nonprofit sector has a crucial role in providing much needed services and programs that government is either not able or willing to organize itself. However, government often provides funding – through grants and contracts – that supports the delivery of public goods and human services by nonprofit organizations to the public. This requires a close partnership between government and nonprofit organizations. [1] In Chapter 2, we called that interdependence theory; government depends on the nonprofit sector to deliver services, while the nonprofit sector depends on government for funding.
The following examples demonstrate the many ways government and the nonprofit sector work together.
Almost all organizations in the nonprofit sector interact with government through tax exemption. The U.S. federal government forgoes literally billions of dollars in tax revenue every year by allowing most nonprofits to be exempt from paying taxes on their revenues. Most state and local governments also extend tax exemption to nonprofits in their jurisdictions. In exchange, nonprofits agree to a few rules, including: 1) acting in the public interest, 2) being transparent about finances and 3) having a board of directors that will provide oversight of the organization. These requirements ensure shared leadership of nonprofit organizations and allow public scrutiny of their finances. [2]
Sometimes government steps back from providing a service altogether, turning the services and programs over to the private sector (both businesses and nonprofits). Privatization is “the act of reducing the role of government or increasing the role of the private institutions of society in satisfying people’s needs; it means relying more on the private sector and less on government.” [3] Governments often engage in privatization measures in order to “shrink” the size of government, find new efficiencies and save taxpayer dollars. There are different types of privatization efforts, from grants and contracts to full divestment. [4]
In some cases, government opts to allow private organizations to take over a service typically administered by government. This is called contracting out. For example, in 2022, Hillsborough County in Florida contracted out their entire child protective services to a nonprofit, The Children’s Network of Southwest Florida. Interestingly, the organization didn’t submit their own bid for the contract. Instead, the state recruited them to provide the service.
Read the article linked above and answer the following questions:
PPP occur when government agencies and nonprofit or for-profit organizations collaborate to jointly define and develop a product, project or service. PPP are one way that organizations help to leverage the finances, management, ideas and leadership available across the three sectors. [9]
The San Diego Regional Policy & Innovation Center is a new partnership between the County of San Diego, CA, the San Diego Foundation and the Brookings Institution, a leading nonprofit think tank. It was founded in 2021 and, as its own nonprofit organization, is designed to: “develop, test and implement world-class research and policy-driven solutions to address our region’s most pressing challenges. We use applied research to help local leaders identify catalytic policies, programs, and interventions and attract greater capital to the region.” Read the following article:
An outstanding question is: why do government and nonprofit organizations seek partnerships, whether through collaboration or contracts and grants?
A government agency may want to partner with nonprofit organizations to help cut costs to taxpayers. This contracting out has been a trend in government over the past several decades. Whether it’s a desire to “shrink the size” of government or identify competencies and expertise not held by the agency, contracting out aims to ensure that the program is being provided without government having to undertake it. [10]
Government agencies may also be interested in working through nonprofit agencies to leverage the nonprofit’s positive community reputation, particularly among constituencies that may be otherwise hard to reach – such as immigrants or the unhoused population. In some ways, this can be seen as government understanding Contract Failure from Chapter 2 and using this to its advantage in delivering a public service.
Nonprofits, on the other hand, may look forward to the additional financial resources of partnerships, allowing them to grow their organizations, build their capacity to do more work and provide financial stability. They may also enjoy more influence among policymakers or over policy processes and gain further legitimacy with other donors.
However, these relationships can be challenging. For one, contracting out services to third parties can make identifying lines of accountability difficult when something goes wrong; each side can easily blame the other. Additionally, nonprofits may find the added burden of additional red tape – usually through oversight or filing reports and updates – difficult to manage effectively. Nonprofits may also find themselves working on issues outside their stated mission (sometimes called mission drift).
Mission drift, or mission creep, has often been seen as a bad thing[pdf] to be avoided at all costs by the nonprofit sector. Although it’s true that organizations may become stretched too thin, and even end up engaging in activities not aligned with their mission statement, some scholars have recently started to encourage nonprofit leaders to think more critically about the issues of “mission drift” in their organizations. Read this article by Vu Le, a leading blogger and thinker about the nonprofit sector in the United States. Consider the following questions:
Although many nonprofits work closely with government agencies to implement programs and public services, many nonprofits also engage in advocacy efforts. Advocacy is “speaking or acting on the behalf of others.” [11] Chapter 7 discusses nonprofit advocacy in much more detail.
Advocacy, and even lobbying, isn’t just undertaken by “political” organizations. Nonprofit organizations engage in advocacy for many reasons, including to: advocate for public funding to support certain organizations and issues; raise awareness within the communities they work with; help refine or change existing public policy to better serve their constituents; lobby for policy change at the local, state, federal or international levels; and help people understand policy issues and connect them to their representatives.
A lot of advocacy efforts can be adversarial, with organizations challenging government agencies and legislatures to be more responsive to social issues and problems. However, advocacy can also be participation in political processes, including serving on local commissions and committees or working with government agencies to define a new grant proposal process. In these ways, nonprofit organizations can be involved in policy processes and changes at all different levels of government.
Advocacy in Action
Watch the first few minutes of Keenya Robertson testifying before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations in 2019 (start at about the 22 minute mark). Mrs. Robertson is the Board Chair of the National Fair Housing Alliance and President and CEO of Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence, Inc. Consider the following questions: