Apply for your marriage license online in Bucks County, PA

Published Friday, Apr. 2nd, 2021
Couples planning a wedding in Bucks County, PA can now apply for their marriage license online over video conference, as part of a pilot program launched by the Probate and Orphan’s Court and Register of Wills.

C ouples in Bucks County, Pennsylvania can now apply for their marriage licenses online! We did the research, and put together a quick guide to navigating this new application process. The new remote process involves four parts: an online form, email, a video conference meeting, and postal mail. Couples begin the application online by filling out a form on the county’s website. Next, they’ll submit copies of the necessary documents via email, and attend a video conference appointment with a clerk. Once they’ve printed, signed, and mailed their application, they’ll receive their marriage license by mail. In Pennsylvania, all marriage licenses are issued after a 3 day waiting period, and are valid for 60 calendar days. They can only be used anywhere within the state, and must be returned within 10 days of the ceremony.


To apply for a marriage license and set up your virtual appointment, follow the 3 step process below:

Before you get started, you’ll need:


First, start the process online, pay for your application, and schedule your virtual appointment with the clerk.

To start your application and schedule your appointment:

1. Go to
2. Click “Login as Guest”
3. Read and accept the Online Services Disclaimer
4. Select “e-File Marriage License Application”
5. On the next page, you’ll be asked to Continue or Decline the application process.
6. Before you continue, make sure you have the materials listed above. Read the information on WHEN to apply for your license.
If this information applies and you’re ready to begin, click Continue.

7. Fill out the information in all tabs. Your contact information should be your best mailing address.
You will complete sections on Personal Information, your Parents Information, and whether you’d like to register to vote.

8. When all information has been completed for both applicants, click “Submit to County” at the top of the screen.

9. Click “OK.”
10. You’ll be given this notification: “Please click on Print Confirmation in the right hand pane and follow the link to pay and schedule an appointment to complete the application process.”
11. Click “OK”
12. Click “Print Confirmation”
13. On the next page, click the link “Schedule and Pay for Video Conference Marriage Application”
14. Select “$83.00 15 minutes Regular” from the drop down menu. If you’re a member of the military or a first responder, select the discounted option ($63.00)
15. Select the Date and Time for your appointment
16. Enter your contact information
17. Click “Book Your Appointment”

On the next page , you’ll be given information on your next steps. We’ve outlined these below.

These MUST be completed before your appointment.

You can also watch a tutorial of this process.

This short video covers commonly missed steps and will ensure you are able to successfully complete your application:


After paying and scheduling in the step above, immediately follow the instructions in the confirmation message, which are summarized below.

Bucks County will NOT be able to process your application without the documents noted below.

1. Email the following materials to [email protected]

2. In the Subject Line of your email, please include both applicants' names and the time and date of your appointment.

3. In the body of your email, please include your best mailing address and phone number.

4. You MUST include digital copies (photos / scans) of both applicants' government issued photo ID, and any applicable divorce decrees or death certificates. Please do NOT send copies of social security cards or birth records.


You will be contacted by a clerk via email within a week to 3 days of submitting your application and materials. They will send you a link to the scheduled Zoom call, and a PDF of your marriage application.

When you receive this information, follow these next steps:

1. Print the attached marriage application PDF prior to the video call. The application will be signed during the video call and then mailed to the county office.

2. Attend your scheduled appointment!

3. Mail your signed application to the given address. Along with your application, provide a self-addressed envelope to avoid delay in receiving the license.

If you and your fiancé cannot join the call from the same location , you may both print a copy of the application and join the call through the same link at the same time. Then, send back both signed applications in the same envelope.


Once these steps are completed, you’ll receive your marriage license in the mail!

This exciting pilot program was launched in response to the extended Judicial Emergency declared by the state as the COVID-19 crisis continues, and will continue for an unspecified amount of time.

For more information on who’s eligible to apply for a marriage license in Pennsylvania, or to find information on setting up an in person appointment, visit the Bucks County Row Officers Marriage License website.