Normally, if you submit a complaint to us before sending the RC193 (link to webform) to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)'s Service Feedback we would refer the complaint to them on your behalf. To expedite the process, we recommend that you submit your complaint directly to them, if you have not done so already. If you have already completed this step, please refer to our service standards for processing delay information.
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
If you are not satisfied with the quality of the service you received from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), there are steps you can follow to resolve your complaint. Answer the questions below so we can direct you on how to address your issue(s).
We only review complaints about the quality of service you received from the CRA.
Contact the Office for Client Satisfaction if you have a complaint about Service Canada.
We only review complaints about the quality of service you received from the CRA.
If you need general assistance by telephone about another government department or agency, please contact 1 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232).
Call the telephone number in the letter you received from the CRA, or contact them directly
It may save you time to call the CRA first depending on your situation. You can call the phone number provided in your correspondence, or discuss your concerns with the employee you have been dealing with or ask to talk to their supervisor.
If you don’t have a contact number, you can look up the contact number for the applicable program or service at contact the CRA.
When submitting your complaint to us, clearly describe how waiting for CRA Service Feedback to address your complaint will cause you undue hardship. If the information is not clearly described, we may not consider it urgent.
If there are any outstanding service issues after CRA Service Feedback has finished its review, or you are not satisfied with how the CRA addressed your service issue, submit a complaint with us.
Please wait for CRA Service Feedback to respond to your complaint before submitting a complaint to us.
To find out when the CRA aims to address your complaint go to check CRA processing times.